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Read Before purchasing


Treasure One 晶磊閣期待每位顧客都收到合心意貨品,享受買到心儀貨品的喜悅。


於 購物,您可享有:3天退換貨保障


- 退換貨適用於香港訂單,客人收到貨品3天內,每張訂單只可換貨1次(來回運費由買家承擔)。

1. 退換貨只適用於手鍊、吊墜(不適用於易碎擺件,其他貨品可以購買前向客服團隊查詢)。

2. 不設退款,可以換高於或相同價值的貨品(高於原價值需補回差價)。

3. 貨品不能套用原訂單的每月優惠碼或活動優惠,會按基本的會員折扣計算(詳情可參閱 會員專屬)。

4. 退換的貨品需保留原有包裝及收據(如撕下標簽或已改手圍不獲退換),並於寄貨前拍照確認。

5. 我們收到貨品後,確認貨品後會於3天內寄出已選取退換的貨品。


- 所有於Treasurehk.com之訂單不設退款。

- 人為損壞亦不設退換貨。


- 如貨品出現缺貨,Treasure One 承諾5天內聯絡顧客換貨或退款。

- 收到貨品7天內,如發現有任何缺貨漏單,請立即WHATSAPP與我們的客戶服務團隊聯絡。

- 如收到貨品,發現任何破損,請保留所有的包裝,連同包裝上的收據,聯絡我們團隊。









Treasure One, we do everything we can to assist you in finding your fit, so you can be confident that we've got the perfect thing for you. we're constantly improving to make all customers would enjoy the shopping experience. 


- The out-of-stock item will be canceled, and you will be given a refund or exchange within 3 days.


- If the items you receive have quality issues or missing items, don't hesitate to contact our customer services teams through WhatsApp within 7 days upon receiving the items. Items must be returned in the original box and must include all the original tag, label, packaging, and receipt. 


- Our customer service team is ready to help with any queries you may have.

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